13th December 2016
On December 7th, 2016 The Office of Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson together with the other Lithuanian institutions fighting for human rights and the Committee of Human Rights of Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania have organised the conference “Respect for every human being: human rights’ achievements and challenges in Lithuania” in order to commemorate The International Human Rights Day. It was the first time that all the officials, defending human rights, met together to present their activities and priorities.
The deputy of the Speaker of Seimas Ms. Rima Baškienė greeted all the participants of the conference and noticed that the base of the country depends of the point of the view to human rights. The deputy Speaker wished all the officials to maintain consistent cooperation and effective coordination while protecting human rights. The vice chair of the Committee of Human Rights of Seimas Mr. Leonard Talmont noticed the main ideals of United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and expressed his joy that all the officials met together to celebrate International Day of Human Rights.
The Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson Ms. Agneta Skardžiuvienė represented the recently adopted and since January 1st, 2017 effective amendments to the Law on Equal Treatment as well as the currently implemented national and international projects and priorities of the Office. In her speech, the Ombudsperson talked about the non-discrimination inter-institutional action plan for the years 2017-2019, which was adopted by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. Ms. Skardžiuvienė warned about the disadvantages of the loss of national and inter-institutional status of the Action Plan after the Government recently adopted new order, which terminates the governmental status of the order. The main threat is that the Plan is going to be approved by the Minister for Social Security and Labour rather than the Prime Minister, as has been so far. The question on the draft Program of the newly appointed Government of the Republic of Lithuania has also been raised. The main concern was that one paragraph with four sub-paragraphs of the new Government’s Program lacked the complexity as well as the effective means in order to address and solve the issues on human rights.
The Ombudsman of Academic Ethics and Procedures Mr. Vigilijus Sadauskas, Ombudsmen Mr. Augustinas Normantas and Mr. Raimondas Šukys, the Ombudsman of Children’s Rights Ms. Edita Žiobienė and the Inspector of Journalistic Ethics Ms. Gražina Ramanauskaitė-Tiumenevienė have presented human rights’ achievements and challenges. Each of them has presented their institutions and the most important activities of the year.
All the officers of Human Rights unanimously stressed out the importance of ensuring the respect and the dignity for every citizen – for children and for adults.
Mr. Linas Slušnys, children and adolescent psychiatrist, PI “LIONS QUEST Lithuania” director moderated the conference.